Wednesday, July 6, 2011

I did it

I got up the nerve and took the plunge. I made two consult appointments with RE's. August 16 and 17. I have one more to schedule, that I've heard good things about too, so will try to get that one scheduled soon.

We are nervous and excited. Even as I've struggled at times with being home without K, I know we can do it. We talked about it this last time he was home, and we are both feeling nervous but excited. We recognize the difficulties that we'll face with 2 (or more) and him gone a lot. We agreed that there is some concern, even a little fear, with both of us over the potential for multiples, but that will possibly just affect our decision on the number of embies we put back.

We have been discussing that he may try to look for a new job after his contract is up, something that will keep him home more. I hope that happens, but as of today, I'm ready to move forward and be a part time single parent of more than just my buggie.

If I can say this in the heat of her crazy, inconsolable teething, then I know it's right.

When I dialed the phone for the first one, I was shaking. I knew the leap we were taking by just making this call. I actually talked to a live person RIGHT AWAY. No phone tree, no picking options, nothing. It caught me off guard. She was SO nice, and said that after we talked to the doc they would request the records that he wants from our last RE back home. This is good, as the last RE charges a TON for me to get our med records. As she pointed out - things like K's SA they will re-do anyways if it's over a year old. Yes, it means that the initial visit will be without this information, but I remember lots, and have a lot still written down. I'll take it in that way for now.

After setting up the appointment, my heart started doing pitter patters. It was like it was preparing itself for this journey, but in a good way.

I can't believe that in just over a month we will be looking at heading down this path for baby number 2!

Secondary infertility, you will not win. We will overcome you, we will rise above, and even if we have failures along the way, we will be stronger than we were before. I have Primary infertility to thank for that. Once I got over your grief, and the curve balls you threw at me, I learned to stand taller, and take whatever comes my way.

After all, I do happen to love lemonade. Bring on the lemons!!!


  1. well you're already doing better than i was, i was nervous, scared and NOT excited. like, at all. so if you ARE excited, i would say you're definitely making the right decision.

  2. I'm excited for you, Mama! Despite the fact that it means rushing through my entire summer vacation, I hope that August 16 arrives soon!
