So today we had our 3rd of 4 visits for the testing for Bug. We had the kick off parent only and 2 visits where Bug completed 3 hours of testing each time. On the 22nd we go in to have another parent only visit to go over initial findings. Then an appointment with her ped psych in early February to figure out what we want to do for sure.
So her testing appointment started today at 9am. So by the time we finished and had lunch, it was 1:00. I decided to keep her home with me and give her a day with just us.
Boy, was that a mistake. By the time we got Bubba home and were having dinner (leftovers), I was eating grapes for dinner. Fermented grapes. From a bottle.
And I was in tears. I curled up with my little guy while I cried and he patted my back to comfort me.
Everything was a fight. The doc gave me one page of 'homework' and it was simple stuff, finish the sentence kind of stuff. Like 'when I eat, I...' or 'I'm happy when....' or 'when i go to bed, I....' and EVERYTHING was I don't know. I tried to talk to her about taking her time, and thinking about it, and giving me the first thing that comes to mind... but she kept at it. So I said we'd do it later. That turned in to a fit by her.
Once that happened everything fell apart. We couldn't get her actual homework done. She wouldn't take a bath. It ended with her throwing pencils, stabbing the table with said pencil prior to throwing, and eventually me putting her in time out in her room in with both of us in tears. It didn't get any better. She ended up taking a nap and woke up just as bad off as before going to sleep. Tears happened again. It was horrible.
So her homework is going back to school tomorrow, unfinished, with a note. The other one will go back to the doctor, unfinished.
And sadly, this all overshadows the 2 fun things that happened since my last post.
First, Bubba turned 5 on Monday. 5!!! I can't believe how he's gotten so big. How has my baby grown up so much so fast? He's been in preschool at the school system since September, and he goes to Kindergarten in the fall. It's insane. He's in glasses now. He looks so grown up!
And last month? I graduated with my MBA, with a focus in finance. It was a long 3 1/2 years. It was hard, and stressful. But it's done. Thankfully. Now to relax for a bit, focus on getting through things like boxes that are hiding in the garage, and cleaning up the desk that just holds crap. Then, I'm not sure what. Focus on my kids. Take care of Bug and figure everything out. Spend some time focusing on Bubba, who we figured out has some allergies on top of the serious need for glasses, and we are beginning to wonder about ADHD for him as well.
Life will go on.
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